Compare remortgage rates in seconds

Are you looking to switch from your current mortgage to one more suited to you? Let us help you.

What does remortgaging involve?

Remortgaging is the process of changing your mortgage to a new lender or even a product switch with your existing lender.

It does not involve moving home and your new mortgage will continue to be secured against your existing property.

Say for example you received an initial rate from your current mortgage provider and this has now come to an end, you’ll be able to move your mortgage to a new lender to secure a new interest rate.

Is remortgaging right for me?

You may wish to remortgage if:

  • Your current mortgage rate is due to end
  • You’re looking for a lower rate
  • You’re looking to release equity
  • You’re wanting to make home improvements

If you can relate to one of the reasons listed above, finding a new mortgage plan could be worthwhile. That said, it is important that you familiarise yourself with extra costs which may be incurred, such as:

  • Lender fees – these are sometimes applicable and can be added to your mortgage
  • Administration charges
  • New repayment periods and final repayment dates

With that in mind, if you still feel that remortgaging is right for you, we want you to know that we’re here to help you on your journey.

‘a home is for life, but a mortgage doesn’t have to be’

We want to make sure that you have the right mortgage in place, so that you can relax in your forever home knowing that your financial situation surrounding your mortgage is sorted.

Happy to go ahead?

If you come across a deal you like the look of you’ll be able to enquire about it by clicking on ‘product details and enquire’. Once you’ve done this, we’ll be in touch to arrange to have an informal chat with you.

Initially, we’ll discuss your options before deciding on the best plan. Once you’re happy and have made a final decision, we’ll deal with the lender and action the mortgage for you.

We appreciate that this is a big step, so please don’t feel rushed to make any decisions right away. Time is not an issue for us.

If you’re still unsure, please don’t worry! Our team are happy to talk you through your options. Please just head over here and request a call back from our team.

Additional Borrowing

When it comes to remortgaging, you may want to borrow more money against your property.

What this means is that the overall size of your mortgage may be increased so that you can acquire more funds.

Many factors will be considered if applying for additional borrowing. For example, you will undergo an affordability assessment in which you’ll be subject to financial checks – this is to reassure your lender that you’ll be able to afford your repayments.

For more information on additional borrowing, or to look into adding this to your plan, feel free to raise this discussion with your personal advisor.